dimanche 16 novembre 2008

Salon du Champignon

I had sworn to myself that I would never make mushrooms. Just because I thought that the amazing Stephanie Congdon Barnes had sort of put a period on the sentence devoted to plush mushrooms in the crafting world. No, not a period, an exclamation point. Three of them even!

However, a recent trip to the Cevennes where for two entire days the talk and the food had centered around "les champignons" got me thinking again. That, and at a friend's house leafing through a book whose title I had forgotten to note down, but whose pictures devoted to beautiful fungi I can't get out of my mind.

So, today being a Sunday, I gave myself some time in my studio and harvested these from my brain.

11 commentaires:

FABRICOTTI notperfectbutnice a dit…

I LOVE those mushrooms . BRAVO!

ingermaaike a dit…

There is the fourth exclamation mark!

Mitsy / ArtMind a dit…

I love the Cevennes and these are fab! :)

Greet a dit…

oooooh, j'adore votre champignons!!!!

X by Leina Neima a dit…

LOVE them... and the phrase - harvested these from my brain ;) LOL

kraplap a dit…

they are lovely !

abbyglassenberg a dit…

These are great! So creative. I love the sticks.

Apryl a dit…

I love the mushrooms they are brilliant...

Unknown a dit…

Cute cute!
I shall call them Picnic jam mushrooms!

Apol a dit…

Thank you for the lovely words, EVERYONE :)

And Abby Glassenberg. In. My. Blog. ***faints from excitement***

Leililaloo a dit…

Incredibly sweet and charming!!!!