The Orchard Princess comes to say goodbye, telling Forest Guardian Apple and Forest Guardian Pear that she is moving away to the kingdom of fifty states. Bushels and bushels worth of fruits need looking after there.

Guardian Apple is deeply troubled. Having kept his feelings to himself since the beginning of time, is it finally the moment to spill it all out?
Ah! But old habits die hard. (And the forest kings did say that it wasn't entirely ethical to date those with whom you work.)

So with a deep, deep sigh, so deep it shook him to his very--where else?--core, the Guardian turns away and lets his Princess go.
* Find the guardians here and here.
7 commentaires:
Oooh, I love these forest guys!
what a sweet story!!!
awwww an apple with a broken heart...
Oh so sad...
Sweet story, you're amazing Lapomme...
so lovely!
Oh, no!!! I am so sorry for causing this! Perhaps the guardian apple can find another princess who doesn't have the mission to direct how the Missouri apples should grow. Thank you, Apol! I will write you a longer one through etsy. I can't wait to receive her in the mail.
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