mardi 30 mars 2010

An Alice in Wonderland Kind of Zine

It must be Johnny Depp who made me do it! Finally a new zine, my alternative version to the famous Alice's adventures. It's in the shop if you want a copy.

What Really Happened

She never did wake up;
the lied.

Her days since then were spent
waiting for her painful heart to explode
from all the stretching out
and shrinking back down;

being gnawed and bitten until bloody
by the grin of the Cheshire cat
who one day forgot
his malevolent smile behind;

and convincing the March Hare
that eating flies at tea is no good.
They should at least
rinse the cruddy cups out.

The worst was being trapped
inside the dirty old Rabbit's house,
where she would be forced to
wear a flimsy maid's costume
and play a sick part.

More than a century later, old Alice
was as mad as the Hatter and very tired.
Finally laying her head down on the block,
she waited merrily for the executioner's ax.


Ah, si seulement mon français est assez bon pour pouvoir traduire ma dernière petite nouvelle, une version alternative de Alice au Pays des Merveilles, qu'on peut lire dans mes nouveaux zines. Mais peut-être votre anglais est meilleur que mon français? Cliquez ici pour trouver les zines.

vendredi 26 mars 2010

Before, After

Our very first picture together, taken in January 2009:

Our latest picture together, taken last Tuesday:

Stop the clock, she's growing up too fast!


La première image, c'est notre première photo ensemble, prise en Janvier 2009.

La deuxième, c'est notre dernière photo ensemble, prise mardi dernier.

Arrêtez l'horloge, elle grandit trop vite!

mercredi 24 mars 2010


I've been playing in the sewing room! I tried a version of a technique that I remember when I took a basic drawing class when I was in my teens. The teacher told us to not lift pencil from paper as we drew, to force us to conquer our hesitations, if I remember right. I wanted to see how it would turn out if I applied that to my sewing-machine drawings. I also abandoned making a rough sketch on the fabric before sewing. I just went at it. Then I took a cue from Abby Glassenberg's blog post about using color, and brought out the paints and brushes. I'm thinking I could frame these in embroidery hoops, like in the last photo.

What do you think?


Je joue! J'ai essayé une version d'une technique que j'ai appris pendant un cours de dessin dans mon adolescence. Le professeur nous a dit de ne pas lever crayon de papier, pour nous forcer à la conquête de nos hésitations, si j'ai bonne mémoire. Je voulais voir comment cela se passerait avec mes dessins faits avec une machine à coudre. Je n'ai pas fait un croquis sur le tissu. J'ai foncé! Puis je me suis inspirée par le blog post de Abby Glassenberg sur l'utilisation de la couleur. Je pense que je pourrait encadrer ceux-ci avec des tambour à broder.

Que pensez-vous?

lundi 22 mars 2010

Vote for Me!

It's Euro Week over at Etsy land, meaning the site is promoting Europe-based sellers this week, and they've even put together a Voter filled with all kinds of goodies from over here. My Mushrooms pillow is included. If you're loving it, can I ask that you give it your vote by clicking here ? Thanks!


C'est Euro Week à Etsy! Le site promeut les boutiques qui se trouvent en Europe. Ils ont même mis ensemble un Voter rempli de toutes sortes de bonnes choses d'ici. Mon coussin Coprin Noir est inclus. Si vous aimer, puis-je demander que vous lui donnez votre vote en cliquant ici? Merci!

mercredi 17 mars 2010

Well, Hello There!

It's been two weeks since I've last been here, sorry about that. I guess I was in the end-of-winter doldrums, mad at the weather for literally blowing hot one day, cold the next; so I had not much energy to do things. It even snowed here in the south of France last week! Nobody can remember the last time that happened here in March...

Finally though, this week it seems that the sun is determined to stay. It was hot enough that I was walking around in just a T-shirt and jeans yesterday. To celebrate the warmer days, I thought I'd share some good news I got at the beginning of the year.

My handmade books were featured in Little Thing, a gorgeously artsy magazine distributed in major Chinese cities. I really regret not having enough time to make more of my books, but I am certain that this is something I'll come back to one day soon.

And, closer to home, my shop was featured as one of artist Claire Rougerie's recommended addresses in the January-February issue of Marie Claire Idées. Quite a thrill, because not only am I regular reader of the Marie Claire, I am also a big fan of Claire's!

Promise I'll begin posting here regularly again, so see you soon!