mercredi 9 septembre 2009

La Pomme on Elle Italia

And on non-hatchling related news, my Inspiration Apples are featured in this month's edition of Elle Italia. Pretty cool, I think! Thank you to Benedetta Rossi for including La Pomme in her article on the resurgence of handmade.

P.S. If anyone has a copy they've finished reading and want to send me, I'd be very grateful.

12 commentaires:

Kreativlink a dit…

Wohooo! Congrats, that's great! :D

StaroftheEast a dit…

Yuuuhuuu, congrats!

ingermaaike a dit…

Yaaay fame and fortune await!

Lila Ruby King a dit…

wooo! that's so cool! hopefully there will be lots of apples heading to Italy!!

ale a dit…

felicitaciones!!!!!little things that makes you very happy,no??
for more and more apples in the world!!!!

karuski a dit…

Lovely news! Your apples are so good:)

X by Leina Neima a dit…


Eva a dit…

I saw your fabric apples on decor8 yesterday :) congratulations!!!

Leslie a dit…

Congratulations on the article! You have such wonderful things!

onlyinthephilippines a dit…

congrats! you do have unique and creatively inspiring handmade stuff.


claire de De Beaux Souvenirs a dit…

La classe ! Félicitations ! et aussi pour "le petit nem "...

Cara Carmina a dit…

(aplausos) my goodness that´s good news!!!!!!!!!! congraaaaaaaaaats!

flying away now..